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Aug 12 2024


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As the season is coming to an end, we want to share a few important dates to add to your calendars!

Park games will continue throughout August and then Closing Day is scheduled for Saturday September 7th 2024 with a rain date of Sunday September 8th 2024.

Schedules for Closing Day are in the works and will be sent out as soon as they are completed.

Closing day is a fun filled day to end our 2024 season. Every team plays- including Tball, and awards handed out. Free hot dogs and water for coaches and players and lots for sale for famillies to purchase. Bring your change, we have lots in the canteen to clear out!!

There will be entertainnment, and a donation table to purchase used equipment so make sure to come on out and Support EMBA. All money raised will go towards new equipment for our EMBA teams next season.

Lastly, we are looking for new volunteers to join our Executive.
It takes a village, and we need your help! 
Stay tuned for emails and social media posts for our annual AGM dates.



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